D-Link DNS-321 Manual Preview - ShareDF

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Jun 21, 2011 · The default username is admin (all lower case) and the default password is blank (nothing). No info needed for the password. Please let me know what happens, you may respond to me using the buttons below.

Dlink - DNS-321. Ip Address: Login: admin. Password: blank. Login to the router with the default IP addresse and then use the username / password: admin / blank. When accessing the DNS-321 from iTunes, you will be asked for a password. This is where you can set the password. The default password is blank (i.e. no password). Click 'Save Settings' when finished.

Jun 15, 2010 · 1. Create a new user with the same user name as the user created in the D-Link DNS-321. Make both passwords the same. Be sure to give the appropriate permissions to the new user so they can login into the ESXi server and added a datastore (ESXi vSphere -> Permissions Tab) 2. Login into vSphere with new user. 3.

The D-LINK DNS-321 is the successor to the widely popular DNS-323, which was active from 2006. till 2008. After the DNS-321 showed up we were already used to the options it introduced to the market, so basically we couldn’t hide our disappointment once we figured out that the successor of the 323 is not featuring an USB port and that the The DNS-321 will run with a Mac but you are pretty much left on your own. D-Link instructions are terse and overly-brief without a lot of details or context. The "set-up" disk for the DNS-321 is Windows XP/Vista Only so, again, no help for Mac Users.